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Copyright: December 21, 2014
By: Laura Deni
Scott Rudin. Photo: IMDb
A good one is invaluable. A bad one can cause more ruination than a tornado. They are personal assistants. It's a
job category that, in the entertainment industry, doesn't have a hard and fast, pin-point job description. A highly paid,
loyal slave might be appropriate. If you don't like that classification, don't apply for the job.
Over the decades I've been in contact with countless personal assistants to the famous and powerful.
I've frequently wondered how they got hired in the first place and why they hadn't been fired
during their first week of employment - if not the first day.
Too many personal assistants think they don't have to work. They sought out employment to bask in the celebrity of
their boss, be able to brag to their friends, maybe find a famous spouse, and gather enough dirt on their employer
to sell information to others.
They become bitter and resentful when their employer expects them to actually perform their duties. Not to mention
that the various goodie bags go to the boss, not the assistant.
An example: the headline making news of Sony being the victim of cyber attacks disclosing personal emails,
which laid bare some rude
and insensitive remarks made between executives.
An initial response to the leaked Sony emails is - why are people shocked at the contents of the emails? If
people were able to view the personal emails of some other movie companies, television executives, or theatrical
producers, you'd see enough acridity to take the paint off walls. Vitriolic emails are not the exclusive domain of Sony.
It's just that the Sony ones were made public.
The entertainment
industry is not a nice industry. It's an industry in which words and behavior exhibited in
almost any other industry would result in a demotion, firing, lawsuit or arrest.
One of those executives whose emails became public is Scott Rudin. He's an EGOT - one of a handful who have won an Emmy,
Grammy, Oscar and Tony. Over the decades I believe I've met him three times.
Once I sat across from him at a theatrical function. He was a gentleman. He wouldn't know me from Adam.
As for those nasty emails with his name on them, Rudin actually stood up like a man and offered a genuine apology. There were no
qualifying words such as - if I.
He straight out apologized. "I made a series of remarks that were meant only to be funny, but in the cold light of day,
they are in fact thoughtless and insensitive — and not funny at all,” he said. “To anybody I’ve offended,
I’m profoundly and deeply sorry, and I regret and apologize for any injury they might have caused.”
Not many have the backbone to make a true apology and Rudin did. That ought to be worth something.
What is coming to light are complaints and comments from the various assistants he's employed. Their complaints
are not unlike carping heard from assistants from other entertainment executives and stars. In need of an
attitude adjustment are those who seek work as an assistant to the rich and famous. They go into the job harboring
outrageous expectations versus the realities of the job.
The personal assistant's job is to make life easier for their boss. Period.
Taking a extremely broad brush to some of the specific complaints against Rudin, it must be emphasized that
in no way is this a criticism against those making the accusations. It's merely an attempt to showcase the
unusual job.
It never has been, and never will be, a 9-to-5 job, with unmovable days off. You need to be unencumbered with a
devotion to what you boss does for a living, plus a loyalty to him/her. You don't have to personally like
your boss, although it helps if you do. Whether you like the boss or not, you owe them loyalty and
a good work ethic.
Too many personal assistants have neither loyalty nor a good work ethic.
In a well written article published by the NY Post last Sunday, December 14, 2014, Rudin is torn to
shreds by several who worked as his assistant. A few have an extremely valid point or two. Most of
the complaints show a bizarre perception of their job.
Again, it is emphasized that the much of the criticism leveled against Rudin by some of his former assistants,
falls in line with criticism many entertainment personal assistants make about their bosses, and is not a reflection upon those making the
1) Locate all the items Rudin wanted to buy on an upcoming trip to Paris - then map the locations of all the stores and
make sure the French driver knew the route.
Perfectly normal request. In addition, the assistant should make certain the stores have the items in stock,
obtain the monetary conversion rates, the store hours, whether the store - if closed - would open for a private customer;
has a personal shopper, would accept a credit card from a third party doing the buying for the celebrity (if necessary)
and, if so, what financial details needed to be arranged in advance. The necessity to ascertain that a local driver
knows the route is to make sure your boss isn't long hauled. In making sure the driver knows the way, you are also
letting the man who will be behind the wheel know that you, too, know the shortest route.
2) The assistant had the task of filling one of Rudin’s houses with thousands of books, which entailed a procession of
chauffeured cars going into Connecticut, with the complaint: “I was there well into the night for several nights.”
You're being paid. Do your job. What is the problem with stocking a personal library? An additional aspect should
be knowing if the books were to be arranged by the Dewey Decimal System or some other way of display. And, make certain the shelves and books are dusted before they are placed on the shelves. If the books are first editions, autographed or have special meaning to your boss, wear protective gloves. On second thought - be on the safe side and wear protective gloves - to protect the books, not your hands.
3) Another former assistant complained: "coming into work at 7:30 a.m. to find a stream of voice mails time-stamped from 11 p.m. through 6:30 a.m. “Then the phone rings — it’s 7:35 a.m. — and it’s Scott, saying, ‘Start on those calls,’?” the ex-assistant said. “This goes on until about 11 a.m. "
What's the problem? It's none of the assistant's business when the boss leaves a voice mail.
Time stamping could become crucial for the boss if a legal issue arises.
The job requires paying attention to the messages and acting upon them, not musing about the sleep habits
of the person who is paying you. If you're suppose to be at work at 7:30 a.m., then show up ready
to work ten minutes early.
4)‘You’d get in between 4 and 6 in the morning, and you’d be there till 10 at night.’ was another complaint.
Personal assistant to the powerful isn't a 9 to 5 job. Extended hours may be a week here and there, but
aren't going to be 365 days a year. Working a 16 to 18 hour day usually means you're traveling with your boss,
at his/her expense; or it's right before a major opening. No personal assistant seriously works an ongoing 18-hour day.
On call, in case of an
emergency - yes. Sitting at a desk - no.
You knew the hours could be long and variable before you took the job and you're being paid.
Stop complaining and get to work.
5) "He’d order Cheerios at restaurants, kept an endless supply of string cheese in his office,"
was another complaint. What's the problem? A boss can keep any food in their office they wish.
There are a lot of nutrients in cheese and string cheese
is a non messy food to consume in an office environment. As for the Cheerios; it's a healthy food.
If a restaurant has it on their menu, what is the problem with ordering a bowl? If the eatery doesn't
normally sell the product, but a regular customer wants it, and the food place stocks it for that special customer,
why are you, the assistant, complaining? That's the prerogative of the restaurant and
the boss is paying the bill.
6) A statement attributed to Rudin is telling his assistants: “Don’t ever f–king think — I hired you from the neck down.”
Remove the vulgarity and that Mantra should be the golden rule for any personal assistant to the powerful. You're hired for
your brains - use them.
These are not suppose to be minimum wage jobs and the perks can be outstanding.
The boss is going to be in a better mood if you make his life easier. That's why you took the job.
If you long to be a personal assistant to a major name, ask yourself
If it's to gain your own fame, brag to your family and friends that you hob knob with the A listers - then get a
job selling shoes somewhere. Maybe somebody important will come in and you can boast that you held a famous foot.
The Post article described Rudin as having "a reputation as a bully, a megalomaniac, a vulgarian and a sadist."
The article also said "In 1996, Spy magazine called him “The Biggest A–hole in Hollywood” — a title he still
I don't know Scott Rudin. Maybe he has those qualities. However, I do know entertainment executives
who far surpass Rudin as a bully, a megalomaniac, a vulgarian and a sadist. Those traits are flagrant within
the entertainment industry.
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in Buffalo, New York is hosting Mistletoe-ing on
December 27th. It's day devoted to lip locking under the mistletoe.
Those who like to pucker up in public are invited to make out under the mistletoe. Participants can bring a lip
lock partner or
wait for someone to walk under the mistletoe tree.
“Mistletoe is a symbol of Goodwill, Peace, Longevity and Prosperity and as protection against evils spirits–often
used at the New Year because of its evergreen characteristics. It’s another one of those wacky New Year’s
traditions to absorb as much luck as possible.” – The Kissing Museum
"Anyone who shows up for a lip planting will be treated to hot mint tea or cider. At 3pm, the curator of the museum,
Caesandra N. Seawell, will be available for a meet and greet. At that time, you can learn how a photo of your favorite
lip lock might be archived into the collection at Buffalo’s Kissing Museum."
THE PORTLAND MUSEUM OF ART has announced that
Diana Jocelyn Greenwold has been hired as Curatorial Fellow. Under the direction of PMA Chief Curator Jessica May,
Greenwold will play an integral role in a multi-year project focused on the reevaluation and reinterpretation
of the PMA’s collection, and will work closely with curators, support staff, and the Registration department
to conduct research, plan installations, organize exhibition projects, and develop interpretive materials. Greenwold
started at the PMA on December 8, 2014.
Greenwold specializes in 19th- and 20th-century American fine and decorative arts. Most recently, she was the
Douglass Foundation Fellow in American Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Greenwold has worked at museums
throughout the country, including the de Young Museum in San Francisco and the Smithsonian American Art Museum
in Washington, DC.
Greenwold earned her B.A. in the History of Art from Yale University and her M.A. in the
History of Art from the University of California, Berkeley. She is a Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art at
the University of California, Berkeley, with expected graduation in December 2015. The subject of her dissertation
is “Crafting New Citizens: Immigrant Handicraft, the Workshop, and the Museum, 1900-1945.”
Greenwold joins the PMA’s curatorial staff, which includes: Chief Curator Jessica May; Curator of American Art
and Director of Collections Karen Sherry; Susan Donnell and Harry W. Konkel Assistant Curator of European Art
Andrew Eschelbacher; Curatorial Coordinator Ariel Hagan Elwell; and Curatorial Assistant Mollie Armstrong.

Continuing the tradition of preserving and
celebrating timeless recordings, The Recording Academy has announced the newest
additions to its legendary Grammy Hall Of Fame. This latest round of inducted
recordings continues to highlight diversity and recording excellence, and
acknowledges both singles and album recordings of all genres at least 25 years old
that exhibit qualitative or historical significance.
Recordings are reviewed
annually by a special member committee comprised of eminent and knowledgeable
professionals from all branches of the recording arts, with final approval by The
Recording Academy's National Board of Trustees. With 27 new titles, the list
currently totals 987 and is on display at the Grammy Museum at L.A.
2015 GRAMMY Hall Of Fame Inductees (Songwriters of singles in parentheses)
AUTOBAHN Kraftwerk Vertigo (1974) Album
The 4 Seasons (Bob Crewe, Bob Gaudio)Vee-Jay (1962) Single
Bob Dylan Columbia (1975)Album
Sonny Rollins RCA Victor (1962)Album
Harry Belafonte RCA Victor (1956)Album
(Benny Anderson, Stig Anderson, Björn Ulvaeus) Atlantic (1976) Single
Neil Young Reprise (1972) Album
Hank Williams And His Drifting Cowboys
(Hank Williams)
Sterling (1947)
Bobby Fuller Four
(Sonny Curtis)
Mustang (1965)
"Fats" Waller, His Rhythm And His Orchestra
("Fats" Waller)
Bluebird/RCA (1942)
John Prine
Atlantic (1971)
(Nile Rodgers, Bernard Edwards)
Atlantic (1978)
Sex Pistols
Warner Bros. (1977)
Bonnie Raitt
Capitol (1989)
Fontella Bass
(Raynard Miner, Carl Smith)
Checker (1965)
Bob Wills And His Texas Playboys
(Bob Wills)
Vocalion (1939)
Alice Cooper
(Alice Cooper, Michael Bruce, Glen Buxton, Dennis Dunaway, Neil Smith)
Warner Bros. (1972)
Ornette Coleman
Atlantic (1959)
The Dominoes
(Billy Ward, Rose Marks)
Federal (1951)
Leonard Cohen
Columbia (1967)
Sly And The Family Stone
Epic (1969)
Willie Nelson
Columbia (1978)
Fisk Jubilee Singers
(Wallis Willis)
Victor (1909)
Paul Robeson
(Wallis Willis)
Victor (1926)
Aaron Neville
(George Davis, Lee Diamond)
Par Lo (1966)
Otis Redding
(Jimmy Campbell, Reg Connelly, Harry M. Woods)
Volt (1966)
Lou Reed
(Lou Reed)
RCA Victor (1972)
In related news,
The Recording Academy has announced its Special Merit Awards recipients. This
year's honorees are: the Bee Gees, Pierre Boulez, Buddy Guy, George Harrison, Flaco Jiménez, Louvin Brothers,
and Wayne Shorter as Lifetime Achievement Award recipients; Richard Perry, Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil,
and George Wein as Trustees Award honorees; and Ray Kurzweil as the Technical Grammy Award recipient. A special
invitation-only ceremony will be held during Grammy Week on Saturday, February. 7, 2015, and a formal acknowledgment
will be made during the 57th Annual Grammy Awards telecast, which will be held at Staples Center in Los Angeles on
Sunday, February 8, 2015 and broadcast over CBS.
has announced the creation of the Paul Nicholson Arts Management Fellowship, in honor of the 33-year career of OSF Executive Director Emeritus, Paul Nicholson. The fellowship is part of OSF’s FAIR (Fellowships, Apprenticeships, Internships and Residencies) Experience Program, which provides more than 50 professional development opportunities annually.
This seven-month fellowship is designed to provide a career-enrichment opportunity to an outstanding professional who is poised to use the experience to launch a career in arts management and/or is positioned to use this experience to bolster an existing career as an arts leader. The chosen Fellow will work with OSF Executive Director Cynthia Rider and will be tasked to coordinate and lead complex projects that include multiple administrative departments.
OSF’s FAIR Experience Program is committed to diversity and inclusion, to providing access to diverse candidates from around the world, and to achieving equity within OSF and in American theatre. FAIR participants receive training in technical and leadership development skills because the program expects participants to be the future leaders in the field. Individuals new to theater or with a history in the art form are encouraged to participate. One need not be a student to apply.
The fellowship will begin March 31, 2015 and will conclude on November 8, 2015. The deadline to apply is February 1, 2015.
will have its World Premiere on Broadway in 2015 at the Winter Garden Theatre. Previews begin on Sunday, November 2, 2015 with an opening set for Sunday, December 6.
Based on the smash hit 2003 film, School of Rock the Musical will feature music from the movie, as
well as new music written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and lyricist Glenn Slater. The book is by Julian Fellowes
the show will be directed by Laurence Connor.
HAS NORTH KOREA established itself as America's Entertainment Czar?
Many, including President Obama feel that Sony was wrong in cancelling the release of The Interview.
Those taking to Twitter included knowledgeable politicians. Newt Gingrich: "No one should kid themselves.
America has lost its first cyberwar. This is a very very dangerous precedent." posted on December 17, 2014.
Mitt Romney: "Sony Pictures don’t cave, fight: release The Interview free online globally. Ask viewers for
voluntary $5 contribution to fight Ebola." Posted December 17, 2014.
Do agents now need to work through a North Korean liaison
to receive approval before submitting scripts to studios? Will Dennis Rodman be that liaison?
UPDATESony has announced they will release The Interview
for screening at select theaters beginning on Christmas day.
THE RIVER which officially opened on Broadway on November 16, 2014 has recouped its $3.2 million investment. The production, at Circle In the Square, stars Tony Award winner Hugh Jackman.
DYING FOR IT by Moira Buffini, freely adapted from Nikolai Erdman’s The Suicide.
Directed by Neil Pepe who is the Atlantic Theater Company's Artistic Director.
Featuring Mia Barron, Ben Beckley, Nathan Dame, Patch Darragh, Clea Lewis, Peter Maloney, Andrew Mayer, Mary Beth Peil, Jeanine Serralles, Joey Slotnick, Robert Stanton and C.J. Wilson.
Dying For It is the story of Semyon (Slotnick), a man down on his luck, married to a nag (Serralles), and out of options. When he decides to throw in the towel and kill himself, a deluge of sympathetic visitors descends upon him, determined to make him a martyr for their many causes. Swept up in the firestorm of attention, Semyon does take matters into his own hands, but not quite in the fashion that everyone expects. A satire on the hypocrisy and illogic of Soviet life, this play was banned by Stalin before it ever saw the light of day.
Scenic design by Walt Spangler, costume design by Suttirat Larlarb and Moria Clinton, lighting design by David Weiner and sound design by Ben Truppin-Brown, original musical composed by Josh Schmidt and fight direction by J. David Brimmer.
In previews off-Broadway at The Linda Gross Theater, NYC.
INTO THE WOODS written by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine.
Directed by Noah Brody and Ben Steinfeld.
With only 10 actors, one piano and boundless imagination, this witty and wildly theatrical re-invention is Into the Woods like you’ve never seen it before! This stripped-down, unplugged, thrillingly clever new version includes all the dazzling classic songs like Children Will Listen and Giants in the Sky. Mind the wolf, heed the witch and honor the giant at this extraordinary musical about the power of wishes and what happens when they really do come true.
The cast includes Jessie Austrian (Baker’s Wife), Noah Brody (Lucinda, Wolf & Cinderella’s Prince), Paul L. Coffey
(Mysterious Man), Andy Grotelueschen (Milky White, Florinda & Rapunzel’s Prince), Liz Hayes (Cinderella’s Stepmother
& Jack’s Mother), Claire Karpen (Cinderella & Granny), Jennifer Mudge (Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack & Steward),
Ben Steinfeld (Baker), and Emily Young (Little Red Ridinghood & Rapunzel).
The creative team features choreography by Lisa Shriver, musical direction by Matt Castle, scenic design by Derek McLane, costumes by Whitney Locher, lighting design by Christopher Akerlind, and sound design by Darron L West.
This production premiered in May 2013 at the McCarter Theatre in association with the Fiasco Theater.
Into the Woods is in previews and officially opens on January 22, 2015 at the Laura Pels Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre. This is a limited engagement through March 22, 2015.
Directed by Michael Longhurst.
Starrings Oscar nominee Jake Gyllenhaal and two-time Olivier Award winner Ruth Wilson.
Jake Gyllenhaal and Ruth Wilson make their MTC and Broadway debuts in the first American production of Constellations, which premiered at London’s Royal Court Theatre.
This mind-bending, romantic journey begins with a simple encounter between a man and a woman (Gyllenhaal and Wilson). But what happens next defies the boundaries of the world we think we know – delving into the infinite possibilities of their relationship and raising questions about the difference between choice and destiny.
The creative team for Constellations includes Tom Scutt (scenic and costume design), Lee Curran (lighting design), David McSeveney (sound design), Simon Slater (original music), and Lucy Cullingford (movement direction).
The production is presented by Manhattan Theatre Club and the Royal Court Theatre, Constellations began previews Tuesday, December 16 and opens Tuesday, January 13, 2015 at MTC’s Samuel J. Friedman Theatre in NYC.
WINNERS AND LOSERS created and performed by by Marcus Youssef and James Long.
Directed by Chris Abraham.
On the cusp of turning 40, longtime collaborators Marcus Youssef and James Long got an email from a mutual friend touting a self-help pyramid scheme. This unexpected note inspired the two men to take a frank look at their own lives. In this autobiographical piece, Youssef and Long, directed by Chris Abraham, sit at a table and play an invented game called “winners and losers.” They name people, places or things—Beyoncé Knowles, Mexican food, their fathers—pronouncing each one a winner or loser. What begins as a simple game rapidly descends into a merciless and brutal appraisal of each other’s families, backgrounds and life choices.
Performances January 2, 2015-February 1, 2015 at Soho Rep in New York City.
DIRTY DANCING written by Eleanor Bergstein.
Directed by James Powell.
Summer 1963 and earnest teen Frances “Baby” Houseman is off with her sister and folks to the holiday camp Kellerman’s for a family vacation.
It is, Baby tells us, a time before The Beatles, before Kennedy was shot and when she could not imagine that any man could ever replace her father.
A more innocent time, where people knew their place and did what they were told. But for Baby and America both, that is about to change bigtime.
Dirty Dancing Sacramento Cast:
Johnny Castle – Samuel Pergande.
Frances ‘Baby’ Houseman – Jillian Mueller.
Billy Kostecki – Doug Carpenter.
Tito Suarez – Jerome Harmann-Hardeman.
Marjorie Houseman – Caralyn Kozlowski.
Neil Kellerman – Jesse Liebman.
Max Kellerman – Gary Lynch.
Mr Schumacher – Herman Petras.
Lisa Houseman – Emily Rice.
Dr. Jake Houseman – Mark Elliot Wilson.
Penny Johnson – Jenny Winton.
Relive the summer of 1963 and the iconic love story of Baby and Johnny. Featuring hit songs, including Hungry Eyes, “Hey Baby, Do You Love Me? and the heart stopping (I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life.
Choreographer – Kate Champion.
Set Design – Stephen Brimson Lewis.
Lighting Design – Tim Mitchell.
Video and Projection Design – Jon Driscoll.
Opening December 26, 2014 at the Sacramento Community Theatre in Sacramento, CA. Performances through January 4, 2015..
Join in the 16th annual All-Star Christmas Day Jazz Jam - a Millennium Stage tradition - with host/vibraphonist Chuck Redd, pianist Robert Redd, drummer Lenny Robinson, trumpeter Tom Williams, bassist James King, and vocalist Delores Williams. December 25, 2014 at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.
AIR SUPPLY perform today, Sunday, December 21, at Caesars in Atlantic City.
JOEY YUNG one of the most indispensable top artists in Hong Kong
sings her greatest hits at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on Saturday, December 27.
COMIX AT FOXWOODS presents a fiery comedic dueling pianos act
where the guests are pulled up on stage to become part of the show. The engaging pianist pair will perform fan favorite
songs that will have guests singing and laughing, and change the lyrics to well-known songs to keep customers
on their toes. A surprise rock star pianist, known for their bar-room belting, will join Billy Musto, one of
New England’s premier dueling pianists, in this crazy night which is for mature audiences. December 26 at Foxwoods in CT.
TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA has two tour groups who perform Tuesday, December 23 at the Sprint Center in Kansas City and at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia. On Friday the delightful shows are at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio and the ScottradeCenter in Saint Louis, MO. Saturday's performances are at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, MI and the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, IL.
JOHN HAMPTON Grammy award winning record producer and engineer died in Memphis on Friday, December 12, 2014 from cancer. He was 61.
Neil Portnow, President/CEO of the
The Recording Academy issued the following statement:
"Two-time Grammy Award winner John Hampton was a legendary producer and engineer. A gifted artist,
he worked with a wide array of celebrated musicians including Stevie Ray and Jimmie Vaughan, the White Stripes,
the Replacements, George Thorogood, Alex Chilton, Travis Tritt, and the Gin Blossoms, among
many others, over the course of his more than 40-year career. A longtime staple at Memphis'
famous Ardent Studios, he worked his way up to become one of the most prominent figures
in the city's music scene and beyond. While best known for his keen technical sensibilities
and his ability to successfully work with a diverse group of acts across many
different genres, John was also praised for his easy-going demeanor and effortless charm.
His prolific career has left a prominent mark on music and our culture,
and his remarkable legacy will continue to teach and inspire many generations to come.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family - both at home and in the studio - his friends,
and all those who benefited from his tremendous talents."
Hampton is survived by his wife, Robin Robison, and sons Daniel, Ples, Nathan and Cody.
LARRY HENLEY songwriter and singer died December 18, 2014 of
Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease in Nashville, Tennessee. He was 77.
He co-wrote with Red Lane Til I Get It Right for Tammy Wynette, a 1973 #1 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Singles, later covered by Barbra Streisand and Kenny Rogers. Other #1 country hits were his songs Is It Still Over? - performed by Randy Travis, Lizzie and the Rainman performed by Tanya Tucker, and He's a Heartache (Looking for a Place to Happen performed by Janie Fricke.
Neil Portnow
President/CEO of
The Recording Academy issued the following statement :
"Grammy winner Larry Henley was a talented musician and gifted songwriter. Along with co-writer Jeff Silbar, he was responsible for writing what would ultimately become one of the most celebrated contemporary standards, Wind Beneath My Wings. Before gaining notoriety as a songwriter, Larry was the singer of the Newbeats, known for his memorable falsetto on the classic song Bread and Butter. As part of the Newbeats, Larry toured with the Dave Clark Five, the Kinks, Roy Orbison and the Rolling Stones, among many others. Larry was also a staunch advocate for the rights of songwriters, having campaigned in our nation’s capital many times. Throughout his career, his love for music and commitment to writing songs reflected his pleasant disposition and positive outlook on life. Our thoughts go out to his family, friends, his many collaborators, as well as to all who have been entertained by his exceptional talent."
Next Column: December 28, 2014
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Laura Deni
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