Broadway To Vegas

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Copyright: August 5, 2018
By: Laura Deni
Les Moonves
Don't even think that looks aren't important. For men as well as women. Poster boy is movie star handsome Les Moonves, the head of CBS.
He's been accused of sexual misconduct. Just as important - he's been exposed as a wink and turn-a-blind-eye protector to sexual misconduct by other CBS executives.
When Harvey Weinstein was first accused of sexual assault, some of the first comments about the accusations were actually related to Harvey being fat, ugly with little - if any - class.
If Moonves was fat, ugly, displaying a lack of good hygiene and social graces - the reaction against him, per the Ronan Farrow investigative article in The New Yorker, would have been harsh and instant.
If the ratings for CBS shows tanked, he'd be out in a heartbeat.
The industry is one based upon both illusion and bottom line.
Nobody knows how to play the game better than Leslie Moonves.
Moonves has receive a "tsk, tsk" reaction from CBS.
Almost immediately after the Harvey Weinstein sexual misconduct scandal broke, rumors circulated that Moonves
would be next. Did Moonves jump into support of the #MeToo movement when he realize he was about to become exposed and decided to defend himself by hiding behind abused women?
Farrow spent over 10 months working on his expose.
Farrow's article listed at least six women who detailed allegations of Moonves’ “forcibly kissed” them,
and that they believed their careers had suffered after they refused him
At least some of the CBS board members learned - and apparently ignored - that in November, 2017
the Los Angeles Police Department began an investigation into an alleged sexual assault by
Moonves after an un-named, 81-year-old woman accused Moonves
of sexual assault, assault and battery, and exposing himself to her when they both worked at
then-television major player Lorimar Productions.
Two of the assaults were described: During a 1986 meeting in Moonves' office, he demanded oral
copulation. Another incident, in 1988, Moonves allegedly exposed himself and assaulted her.
In February 2018 the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office closed the case,
saying they weren't able to file sexual assault charges against
the embattled Moonves, because the accusations made against him exceeded the statute of limitations.
On Wednesday CBS Corp. announced the retaining of two prominent law firms to carry out an independent investigation
into the sexual misconduct accusations against the company’s CEO, Les Moonves.
Nancy Kestenbaum of Covington & Burling and Mary Jo White of Debevoise & Plimpton will handle the probe, CBS
announced Wednesday.
Kestenbaum served for nine years as a federal prosecutor in the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern
District of New York; served as Chief of the General Crimes Unit and Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division and
has previously been at the forefront of multiple investigations regarding sexual
abuse, including a probe into a Connecticut boarding school, Choate Rosemary Hall, that found last year
that at least a dozen former faculty members had abused children between the 1960s and the 2010s.
White, the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, previously served as Chair of
the Securities and Exchange Commission. She earned an M.A. in psychology in 1971 from The New School for Social
Research and a J.D. degree from Columbia Law School in 1974, where she was a Writing & Research
Editor of the Columbia Law Review.
She was in charge of a sexual misconduct
case involving the University of Rochester and one of its professors, Florian Jaeger, who
was accused of sexual harassment by numerous women. White's
investigation concluded that Jaeger displayed poor judgement but did not violate any laws or campus rules.
In a January 22, 2018 article by Miriam Rozen published in The American Lawyer stated that a team of Debevoise & Plimpton
lawyers led by partner Mary Jo White conceded that they had erred in disclosing the names of confidential witnesses
in their sexual harassment investigative report concerning the University of Rochester. The mistake was
first reported on January 21, 2018 in the school's newspaper Campus Times in an article written by
editor Justin Trombly.
The scathing Campus Times report said: "The breach has brought out new concerns with this investigation,
which has been criticized by some students for favoring the University. There are worries that because of the breach,
future witnesses in future cases at UR would be reluctant to cooperate."
CBS Corp. hiring lawyers to investigate one of their own smacks of a drug company paying for their own drug trial,
which results in a favorable conclusion.
Attorney Lisa Bloom tweeted outrage over the NBC handling of the Moonves investigation.
The company’s choice to enlist Covington & Burling and Debevoise & Plimpton was criticized hours after the announcement by high profile women’s rights attorney Lisa Bloom.
“As I predicted, CBS hires Big Law defense firms to investigate Moonves,” Bloom tweeted. “These are the types of firms we fight on behalf of harassment victims every day. They attack victims and defend perps and corporate inaction. Watch for a wrist slap outcome.”
Their selection does look like a slick pr trick - women have accused Moonves. If women defend him, the assumption is that their support will carry more weight.
“The CBS Board noted that it takes these allegations seriously and is committed to acting in the best interest of the company and all of its shareholders, and is confident that the employees of CBS will continue to perform at a high level as this process unfolds,” the board said.
That carefully worded statement is significant because it says "acting in the best interest of the company and all of its shareholders." That means if it is determined that Moonves can bring in profits the CBS board will accept, cover-up, or whitewash anything Moonves has done in the past. Accept for telling him to be more careful in the future - he can do whatever he can get away with.
Money motivates and rules. Laws, ethics and morals are frequently viewed as meant for those schmucks who don't have wealth.
As long as Moonves hasn't done anything that can currently cause him to do a perp walk into prison - those who keep their eye on the corporate bottom line won't care.
Within a short period of time CBS will announce that the two independent investigations came back with the same
conclusions: that while there were occasions when Moonves displayed poor judgement - there were no criminal
charges ever filed. On with the show.
That doesn't mean that there haven't been some educational ramifications.
Moonves' alma matre Pennsylvania's Bucknell University last Monday announced the institution had scrubbed its
website of most Moonves references. Moonves is a 1971 graduate and was conferred
an honorary doctor of humane letters degree when he delivered the school's commencement speech on
the Malesardi Quadrangle May 22, 2016. He talked about "the pursuit of happiness" in which he stressed that, in addition to being the smartest person in the room, you also needed to be well liked. That it was being "liked" that gave a person the power to basically get what you want.
Moonves is capable of being extremely charming. If he wants you to like him, he can be captivating.
"Bucknell will not stand for sexual misconduct - on campus or beyond," Bucknell president John Bravman said in a note to the university community explaining the reason for the action.
Last Wednesday Moonves was removed from the Anita Hill chaired Commission on Eliminating Sexual Harassment and Advancing Equality in the Workplace, formed to address sexual misconduct specifically in the media and entertainment industries. Also on Wednesday the University of Southern California kicked Moonves from its film school’s advisory board.
The USC School of Cinematic Arts released a statement announcing its decision to suspend the CBS CEO from their Board of Councilors.
In a statement, the school says: “The USC School of Cinematic Arts has suspended Les Moonves from its Board of Councilors. The School takes the recent allegations very seriously and will discuss further action when the Board convenes in October.”
USC’s Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism also announced Wednesday morning that it will refrain from using the media center’s current title, “The Julie Chen/Leslie Moonves and CBS Media Center,” until the investigation against Moonves has concluded. That request was made by Moonves and Chen, according to Annenberg.
From the highest to the most insignificant of levels, Moonves has a storied history of being a smug bully.
Al Franken should never have been run out of office.
Of course there are various levels of sexual misconduct and there isn't a one size fits all punishment.
Comedian turned political leader Al Franken should never have been run out of office.
Nobody has spoken more powerfully and appropriately than Stephen Colbert, host of CBS'
The Late Show. He addressed the allegations against his boss last Monday evening. Seated behind his desk,
calmly speaking into the camera, Colbert stated: "He has stood by us when people were mad at me, and I like working
for him," Colbert said. Then he added, "But accountability is meaningless unless it's for everybody - whether it's the leader of a network or the leader of the free world."
Entertainment is an industry balanced on egos, culled through lies, hopes and promises. Inappropriate
behavior has been permitted because - for a very few - the personal rewards are so
enormous as to deem to make the abuses of others acceptable. If you can sell tickets - if you can bring
in the ratings - if you can make money for others - you will be highly compensated. If you are the rainmaker - as is Moonves - you control everything and everybody. To question him, criticize him, stand up to him is slitting your own throat.
While several women have come forward, there are numerous others who are still too terrified because of retaliation. Also, being questioned - sometimes in a mocking manner - as to why the person didn't come forward sooner.
There are excellent reasons why sexual misconduct charges weren't made years ago. Nobody except the victim cared. Nobody would pay attention. Nobody would help. Nobody took you seriously. You'd be fired. You've been tormented, threatened, ridiculed, insulted and lied about.
Not until Ronan Farrow had the intellect, backbone and courage to stand up for all women has progress been
Of all the people who have ever had any dealings with Moonves, I am the most insignificant. What sets me apart is that
I was the first woman to ever stand up to him. I was advised then by his secretary to ignore the situation because
Moonves was going right to the top and he was vicious, vindictive and unrelenting. He'd go after me
for the rest of his life - that's just the way he behaves. Truer words were never spoken.
Decades later a lawyer protecting Moonves told me they could "get to" that person and see to it that statement was denied.
Over the years, in one way or another, it appears they "get to" a lot of people. I once had a lawyer who represented me on three issues - one of which being Moonves - who suddenly denied he had ever had me as a client and told anyone who would listen that I was lying. Apparently, the attorney failed to consider that I would still have court papers and all of his letters regarding the issues. I learned about it when a legitimate member of the press called me for comment. I simply pulled the file and made Xerox copies. The Nevada attorney suddenly got very quiet.
Julie Chen has bragged that they have caused me "serious damage." They have.
Even on the lowest of levels, Moonves has to have total and complete control with his behavior unchallenged. He has no qualms about destroying anything which irritates him.
I have a long list of personal examples which go back decades and continue through 2018. Just three to muse over.
Just suppose that year's ago you're writing an article about a television program in which Moonves was involved. He and his buddies wait for you outside a hotel restroom. When you exit you're groped. Your breasts grabbed and your crotch rubbed. You complain to the person handling the magazine section. His response is - Hey, that's what guys do - most girls would be flattered. We can't have him killing ads or stopping interviews.
Between 2011 and 2014 three, non related instances involving the CBS show Entertainment Tonight
were brought to my attention. In all three cases I had previously criticized something a non-acting professional -
a person
not directly connected to the entertainment industry but an authority on something such as medicine or finance.
Later the
"expert" appeared on ET to comment about a celebrity they had never met. The "expert"
was contacted by an ET producer and told them that if they would sue me, CBS would pay all of their legal bills.
In all three cases I told the "expert" I appreciated that they contacted me. I asked, if they wouldn't mind,
would they please ask the producer the name of the attorney that CBS would pay. In all three cases the "experts"
got back to me and were distraught - coming across as scared.
Apparently ET didn't think I'd find out about the offer. The "experts" were told they had misunderstood,
that CBS had never made such an offer. The "experts" insisted to me that they weren't stupid and knew precisely
what they had been told.
The pettiness of Moonves is unequaled.
In 2015 I went into a little, inexpensive New York City sandwich shop, apparently located in a building owned by CBS. As a paying customer, I went into the sandwich shop a couple of times and made purchases. Interesting little eatery. I favorably wrote about it.
Moonves found out. The person who waited on me was questioned about my being in the eatery - down to how I was dressed, my make-up and anything I may have said to anyone.
The results were related to me by two sources in two different ways - which is also an excellent example of how people
and repeat something in different ways.
One report was that Moonves said that if I ever again was served he'd break the lease and evict the proprietor.
The second way the event was related to me was that Moonves said that if I was in the shop he wanted to be notified (assuming he was in New York) so that he could come down and personally kick me out - since he (CBS) owned the building.
From blackballing to taking away food - he's more than just an interesting character.
If I could afford a lawyer I would have sued both Moonves and Chen long ago for restraint of trade and participating in, encouraging
and enabling others to engage in character assignation.
Tortious interference and character assignation are two separate charges.
If you don't know what that is - according to
Character assignation "involves a deliberate attempt to destroy a person's reputation, especially by criticizing them in an unfair and dishonest way when they are not present. It can also involve exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person, double speak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation. It is a form of defamation.
"Once done, these acts are often difficult to reverse or rectify. Therefore it is likened to a literal assassination of a human life. The damage sustained can last a lifetime or, for historical figures and important personalities, for many centuries after their death."
Whether Julie Chen has simply spread herself out too thin, or is not as intelligent
as I think she is, she apparently can be strongly influenced in her decisions. Chen can appear sweet or mean as a snake.
She threatens, delivers ultimatums, forces people to kneel before her and swear loyalty to her husband; and has
admitted on television that she has no conscious and is happy with that. However, she seems to heavily
rely on the advice of others who can have their own hidden agendas and sometimes manipulate her to their advantage.
That's sad.
Chen wisely keeps her husband on a short leash. She doesn't permit him to stay away from home for long periods of time.
She accompanies him to events, meetings, conventions - sometimes sitting nearby like a junk yard dog guarding
property as he smiles and charms his way through meet and greets and interviews.
As for her husband, he'll do just fine. He'll become even more embolden in his own self importance - if that is even
possible - and rule the
world he feels he owns the way he has always dictated. As for his relationship with CBS - no network
is going to mess with success.
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This is not your typical, totally boring textbook.
In the pages of How To Earn A Living As A Freelance Writer (the first to be lied to and the last to be paid)
you'll find sex, celebrities, violence, threats, unethical editors, scummy managers and lawyers,
treacherous press agents, sex discrimination; as well as a how-to for earning money by writing down words.
TRUTH AND BEAUTY (AND CALLING ALL REDHEADS) Dante Gabriel Rossetti, "Lady Lilith," 1866–1868 (altered 1872–1873). Oil on canvas, 38 1/2 x 33 1/2 (97.8 x 85.1). Delaware Art Museum, Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial, 1935
In 1848 - a year of political revolution across Europe - seven young Englishmen formed an artistic alliance aspiring to rebel against the contemporary Victorian art world. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, including William Holman Hunt, John Everett Millais, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, defied idealized figures popularized by Raphael and other High Renaissance artists to reflect the simplicity, spirituality, and beauty they found in late medieval and early Renaissance art.
Truth and Beauty: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Old Masters is the first major exhibition to juxtapose examples by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood with works that inspired its members, including Italian old masters Fra Angelico and Pietro Perugino and their Northern contemporaries Jan van Eyck and Hans Memling.
It reveals how the Brotherhood’s aesthetic evolved over time to embrace artistic influences from the High and late Renaissance, such as Botticelli, Raphael, Titian, and Veronese. It also offers a rich multimedia opportunity to examine the artists’ attraction to stained glass, domestic decorations, and sixteenth-century textiles.
Long, red hair flows over the pages of Victorian literature and in the brush strokes of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Elizabeth Siddal, with her flaming red mane, became muse to Dante Gabriel Rossetti whose paintings recall the flowing red locks in Titian's work. These auburn tresses became so popular that women turned to Parisian hairdressers and homemade herbal dyes to convert their locks into the coveted reddish-brown color.
In celebration, the Museum invites all redheads (real or faux) and Victorian stunners to come to the museum for a day of Truth and Beauty. Pose for a portrait and participate in our Victorian hairstyle photo contest, or simply come dressed in Victorium costume for the festivities.
Visitors with red tresses or dressed in historical garb will enjoy $5 off admission to the exhibition
Truth and Beauty on August 25, 2018.
On display through September 30, 2018 at the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco, CA.
is a special installation by Ezra Masch, a Philadelphia based artist that has created a performance based exhibition that fuses music and lights in order to translate the volume of sound to the volume of space.
Masch has created an immersive installation using a grid of lightbulbs hung in the Museum’s Monda Gallery. Live audio from a drum set which is mapped in the grid. Drummers are invited to create live improvised performances, responding to the visual patterns and forms generated in the lights as they play what Masch calls an entirely new instrument. It is a unique musical experience for the performer as well as the audience member.
August 12-September 9, 2018 at The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida.
As the State Art Museum of Florida and part of Florida State University, The Ringling fulfills an important
educational mission by offerings formal and informal programs of study serving as a major resource for students,
scholars and lifelong learners of every age across the region and country.
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ROSIE'S THEATER KIDS a magnificent program started by Rosie O'Donnell - earning he a special Tony Award - returns to Vineyard Arts Project in Edgartown, Mass. August 12-18, 2018.
Their Summer Celebration Fundraiser is set for Wednesday, August 15, with special artist BD Wong and Janet Dacal.
Co-chairs for the event include Marci and Michael Cohen; Donna and Ken Hamel; Joanne and Marty Homlish; Jayne Lipman and Bob Goodman; Ashley Melone and Nick Mills; Meg Ryan; and Susan and Barry Tatelman.
One of the country’s most dynamic and successful programs for the performing arts - Rosie's Theater Kids - will have
Twenty-eight young performers from the ACTE II program (grades 9 through 12) living in underserved neighborhoods in NYC -
spending the week in a performing arts intensive study at the Vineyard Arts Project in Edgartown, Mass. The students chosen to participate in this great getaway from NYC are all RTKids scholarship recipients, selected for their exceptional dedication and professionalism in RTKids classes year-round. Along with their studies, the students will explore the island and perform at a Summer Celebration fundraiser for RTKids.
The Summer Celebration fundraiser will take place at Vineyard Arts Project in Edgartown beginning with cocktails and performances by RTKids. Tony Award-winner and RTKids Board Member, BD Wong will serve as the evening’s auctioneer. A VIP dinner with performances by award-winning Broadway actress Janet Dacal and RTKids will follow.
ALAN ALDA disclosing that three-and-a-half years ago he was
diagnosed with Parkinson's disease opens a door to infinite possibilities.
Alda, who has always been interested in a wide variety of subjects - including science - can contact Michael J. Fox who is in a different stage of the disease. Between the Michal J. Fox Foundation and the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science perhaps they can come up with a cure - or something to slow progression - or some vaccine to even prevent the disease.
Alda said his only symptom is a thumb twitch. Video that, set it to music - put it into a story line
or backed by graphics and watch as the thumb twitch boogie climbs the charts and tallies up downloads
and earns royalties for charity.
Or, consider campaigning to get boxing added to the National Senior Games.
Alda said he takes boxing lessons three times a week. Boxing is considered the preferred sport for
Parkinson sufferers. Wives who never were cheer leaders or put away the skimpy costume years ago have reinvented
themselves, becoming regulars at boxing gyms leading cheers for their man.
Or, tennis, which is already part of the National Senior Games. Alan has said twice a week tennis lessons are also on his
The future sports star is a six time Emmy Award winner receiving a total of 31 Emmy Award nominations and two Tony Award nominations, a Grammy nomination and an Academy Award nomination. He has won seven People's Choice Awards, six Golden Globe Awards, and three Directors Guild of America awards. He might as well add a Senior Games gold medal to his list.
Albuquerque is host city for the 2019 National Senior Games.
When he's not in the boxing ring, or on a tennis court, he hosts the podcast Clear + Vivid with Alan Alda.
have been a couple since they met as students at Harvard, attended the West End production at
The Bridge Theater of Alan Bennett's new production Allelujah. Featuring a cast of 25 including Deborah Findlay, Samuel Barnett, Sacha Dhawan and Jeff Rawle, Simon Williams and Peter Forbes this is the 10th collaboration between writer Alan Bennett and director Nicholas Hytner.
The Beth, an old fashioned cradle-to-grave hospital serving a town on the edge of the Pennines, is threatened with closure as part of an NHS efficiency drive. Meanwhile, a documentary crew eager to capture its fight for survival follows the daily struggle to find beds on the Dusty Springfield Geriatric Ward, and the triumphs of the old people’s choir (newest member: the Pudsey Nightingale).
Bennett’s new play called "as sharp as The History Boys and as funny as The Lady in the Van.
The production will be filmed live and released to cinemas on November1, 2018.
THEATREWORKS SILICON VALLEY 17TH ANNUAL NEW WORKS FESTIVAL takes place August 10-19, 2018 at the Lucie Stern Theatre in Palo Alto, CA.
This unique festival offers audiences an extraordinary opportunity to experience new plays and musicals in their early stages of development, give feedback, and participate in a panel discussion with the artists. Playwrights and composers are able to rewrite entire scenes of their shows between performances, allowing audiences to help shape a brand new piece of theatre.
This year’s festival will feature two musicals and two plays as well as special events. Musicals include an adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice by Tony Award nominee Paul Gordon, and Once Upon a Rhyme: A Musical Tale with book, music, and lyrics by Ronvé O’Daniel and music, orchestrations, and arrangement by Jevares C. Myrick. The plays include They Promised Her the Moon by Laurel Ollstein and Born in East Berlin by Rogelio Martinez.
Among the roster of acclaimed playwrights, composers, and directors who have participated in past New Works
Festivals are: Jeffrey Seller, Andrew Lippa, Stephen Schwartz, Wendy Wasserstein, Marsha Norman, Rachel Sheinkin,
David Hein and Irene Sankoff, Henry Krieger, Duncan Sheik, Joe DiPietro, and many more. Past festivals have
launched many new works onto TheatreWorks’ stage and to national productions including Broadway’s Tony Award-winning
Best Musical Memphis.
WORKING the 1978 musical that celebrated America’s multi-faceted workforce, will celebrate its 40th anniversary with an all-star cast at Feinstein’s/54 Below in New York City on Sunday, August 12, 2018.
Receiving six Tony Award nominations, Working opened at the 46th Street Theatre
(now the Richard Rodgers) in 1978 and played twenty-four performances and twelve previews before going on
to worldwide fame. Working is based on Studs Terkel’s acclaimed 1974 book Working: People Talk About What
They Do All Day And How They Feel About What They Do.
The two act musical has a book by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso, music by Schwartz, Craig Carnelia, Micki Grant, Mary Rodgers, and James Taylor, and lyrics by Schwartz, Carnelia, Grant, Taylor, and Susan Birkenhead.
In March 2009 Schwartz revised the musical, which includes two new songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
The 54 Below concert will be hosted by Schwartz who also directed the Broadway mounting. Artists scheduled to appear include Loni Ackerman, Marie France Arcilla, Major Attaway, Ann Harada, Felipe Joglar, Jay Armstrong Johnson,, and Marc Kudish.
Songs include: It’s An Art, If I Could’ve Been, Just A Housewife, and Fathers And Sons.
54 Sings Working will be directed and produced by Robert W. Schneider. The show will be music
directed by Kevin David Thomas. The associate producer will be Benjamin Nissen.
LAURIE METCALF the two time Tony Award and three-time Emmy award winning actress recently taught a master class in acting to 500 aspiring actors at the young Actor's Theatre Camp in at Camp MayMac in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Felton, California.
It was a tough crowd. Metcalf’s younger daughter, Mae, was a camper and this was Metcalf's first time talking
about her acting experiences with Mae in the audience. The group - including Mae, were spellbound.
SAN JOSE JAZZ 29th SUMMER FEST takes place the weekend of August
39 performers will pull out all of the musical stops. They include: Living legends live Kool & the Gang, Herb Alpert
and Lani Hall, and Booker T. and his epic Stax Revue; giants of straight ahead jazz like Vincent Herring with
his Story of Jazz, featuring Nicholas Bearde, Jon Faddis, James Carter and Eric Alexander; dynamic bandleaders like
Yissy García and Bandancha and Hailey Niswanger with her MAE.SUN project; international discoveries like Moisés P.
Sánchez Quartet and Septeto Internacional; and emerging voices like Theo Croker and Makaya McCraven.
PRINCE EDWARD the Earl of Wessex, Patron, National Youth Orchestras
of Scotland, and Patron, Edinburgh International Festival, will attend a Performance and Reception at Usher Hall,
in Edinburgh on August 9, 2018.
BURBANK COMEDY FESTIVAL boasts more than 100 events that
include standup, improv, sketch, industry panels, and workshops for comedians in multiple venues.
Organizers promise that; "The Burbank Comedy Festival offers the next generation of talent the opportunity to perform
and connect with top entertainment professionals, to encourage live comedy, and to do some funny business
in Downtown Burbank."
August 12 - 18, 2018 in Burbank, CA.
HAMILTON CAST MEMBERS registered people in New York to vote last Saturday, August 4, in front the Richard Rodgers Theatre where Hamilton performs.
New York State and Local Primaries will be held on September 13 with the deadline to register being August 19. Members
of the cast who participated in the registration had previously been trained by voter registration volunteers from the Hispanic Federation, an organization providing community services to the Hispanic community in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
Sunday, August 12, 2018 at the Mariners' Museum in St. Michael's Maryland.
Watermen’s Appreciation Day celebrates Chesapeake watermen and their heritage. The event includes a “watermen’s rodeo” boat docking contest, and live music. Steamed crabs, beer, and other foods and beverages will be available for purchase.
Men and women who make a living by fishing, crabbing, and oystering on the Chesapeake Bay are called watermen. The term "waterman" dates as far back as the eleventh century in England. These early English watermen were actually smugglers who used small boats to transport stolen goods across waterways.
When the English settled in the Chesapeake Bay, they continued to use that name, applying it to the men who worked in the fishing industry.
HELLO GIRLS Hundreds of women, fluent in multiple languages, served within the U.S. Army Signal Corps, playing a pivotal role in world War I wartime communication. Mastering the latest technology: the switchboard, these women became known as the “Hello Girls.”
The World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City offers a free screening of the documentary The Hello Girls
on Tuesday, August 7 which tells the captivating story of America’s first women soldiers and their fight for equality and recognition.
Film creator Jim Theres hosts a Q&A after the screening featuring Carolyn Timbie, granddaughter of Grace Banker, who served as the Chief Operator of the U.S. Signal Corps’ women telephone operators and earned the Distinguished Service Medal for her service. The screening also includes the first public airing of the recently discovered only known audio recording of one of the operators, which was captured in 1979.
THE FEST FOR BEATLES has a Beatles marketplace, guest speakers,
a dance party, look-alike contest, games, and exhibits at Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago August 10 - 12, 2018.
PARTY AT THE PALACE an award winning Rock, Pop, Indie, Folk,
Country/Americana music festival on Lochfield Field located between Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland takes place
August 11-12, 2018.
SUNDAY, AUGUST 5 is National Oyster Day. Monday is
National Root Beer Float Day. Tuesday, August 7, is National IPA Day, Raspberries and Cream Day and
International Beer Day. Wednesday, August 8, is International Cat Day, National Frozen Custard Day and
National Zucchini Day. Thursday celebrates National Rice Pudding Day. Friday, August 10m is
National S’mores Day and National Banana Split Day. August 11 is National Panini Day and National Raspberry Tart Day.
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PORGY AND BESS by George Gershwin, DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, and Ira Gershwin.
The great American opera boasts some of the best songs ever written - including Summertime, I Got Plenty O’ Nuttin', I Loves You, Porgy, and It Ain’t Necessarily So, alongside rhapsodic orchestral music and superb choral writing. Dozens of characters experience a gamut of emotions in this slice of life story set in Heywards’ fictional Catfish Row. Boldly combining action, humor, romance, struggle, and celebration, the Gershwins’ vibrant, one-of-a-kind masterpiece will inspire you to “rise up singing.”
Starring Alfred Walker and Kevin Short as Porgy. Angel Blue and Elizabeth Llewellyn as Bess. Lester Lynch as Crown. Mary Elizabeth Williams as Serena. Jermaine Smith as Sportin; Life. Brandie Sutton as Clara. Derrick Parker as Jake. Judith Skinner as Maria.
In English with English Subtitles at McCaw Hall, Seattle Opera in Seattle, Washington.
Opening August 11 with the final performance on August 25, 2018.
DANGEROUS HOUSE a new play by Jen Silverman.
Directed by Saheem Ali.
Starring Phillip James Brannon as Marcel, Michael Braun as Gregory, Alfie Fuller as Noxolo and
Samira Wiley as Pretty.
Noxolo (Alfie Fuller) is an aspiring footballer from Cape Town who moved to London for a fresh start.
With the World Cup coming to South Africa and the mounting sense that her ex-lover, Pretty (Emmy nominee
Samira Wiley), is in peril, she is pulled back. Will Noxolo risk her safety to unravel the secrets of
a life she swore to leave behind? A new play that asks "what one woman can do for her people, for her nation,
and for the love of her life."
August 8 - August 19 on the Nikos Stage at the Williamstown Theatre Festival in Williamstown, MA.
AGATHA CHRISTIE’S THE MOUSETRAP the longest running show in world theatre history, by Agatha Christie.
Directed by Alley Interim Artistic Director James Black.
This classic whodunit that recently celebrated its 66th anniversary on London’s West End and yet still thrills audiences today. A group of strangers find themselves trapped in a British boarding house during a snow storm with a murderer afoot. It’s an Agatha Christie plot twist finish you won’t want to miss.
August 10- September 2, 2018 in at Hubbard Theatre at the Alley Theatre in Houston, Texas.
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This is not your typical, totally boring textbook.
In the pages of How To Earn A Living As A Freelance Writer (the first to be lied to and the last to be paid)
you'll find sex, celebrities, violence, threats, unethical editors, scummy managers and lawyers,
treacherous press agents, sex discrimination; as well as a how-to for earning money by writing down words.
ED SHEERAN opens a two nighter on August 7 at the Ernst Happel Stadion
in Vienna, Austria. August 11 begins a two night stand at the PGE Narodowy in Warsaw, Poland.
LYNYRD SKYNYRD performs August 6 at the Sturgis Bike Rally in
Sturgis, SD. on August 10 the show is at the DTE Energy Music Theatre in Detroit, MI. August 11 finds them at the Budweiser Stage in
Toronto, ON.
SMASHING PUMPKINS are on their reunion tour, although
D'arcy Wretzky will not be joining the band on tour. They perform Saturday August 11, 2018 at the Value City Arena, Schottenstein Center, Columbus, OH.
CELINE DION continues her Down Under
tour portion with a two nighter opening Tuesday, August 7, at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia. She opens a three show - split date - gig Saturday, August 11, at the Spark Arena in
Auckland, NZ.
ROD STEWART AND CYNDI LAUPER bring their tour to Madison Square
Garden in NYC for a show on Tuesday, August 7. On Friday they'll be delighting the crowd at the Budweiser Stage
in Toronto, ON, Canada. Saturday's gig is in Pittsburgh, PA at the PPG Paints Arena.
BRAD PAISLEY entertains Friday, August 10, at Northwell Health at
Jones Beach Theater, Wantagh, NY.
TOAD THE WET SPROCKET vocalist and guitarist
Glen Phillips, guitarist Todd Nichols, bassist Dean Dinning, and drummer Randy Guss on stage
Wednesday, August 8, at Sony Hall in New York City.
On Thursday they open a two nighter at The Birchmere in Alexandria, Virginia. On Saturday they perform at the Wilbur Theatre in Boston. Next Sunday, August 12, the tour stops at the Tupelo Music Hall in Derry, NH.
Soft back Book
Next Column: August 12, 2018
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Laura Deni
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